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Recent examples include:

  • 20% reduction on gas and electricity costs
  • 25% reduction on card payment costs
  • 15% reduction in printer costs
  • 15% reduction on telephony and broadband costs
  • 10% reduction on workwear costs
  • 10% reduction on vehicle fuel costs

Here’s the best bit – the Service doesn’t cost you a single penny and Clarity Procurement do all the leg work – saving you time and money. Plus working with them means supporting a small family owned business.

Read that again, the Service doesn’t cost you a single penny! Any cost reductions they achieve are 100% yours to keep – they don’t take a hefty percentage cut of the reduction like many other cost reduction services.

Clarity Procurement

They’d love to hear from you and show how simple and effective the Service is. What have you got lose?

Get in touch today to see how our free Cost Reduction Service can help. Despite ever rising business costs we continue to deliver significant cost reductions for our customers.

Clarity Procurement Solutions Limited - Clarity ProcurementClarity Procurement - Specialist Procurement Consultancy